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Chief Jack 'Golden Feather' and Dr. ZZ are dedicated, lifelong, natural healing practitioners.  Jack came into the world with an inherent “electricity” in his hands, an energy he has been using since childhood to heal himself, animals and others.  ZZ, from a more formal, clinical background, has studied and taught  Reiki, So-Tai and Tenrikyo in the USA, Southeast Asia and Japan.


Jack's specialties range from jetlag relief to removing tumors from people’s bodies to assisting folks with stress, snake bites, digestive issues, headache pain and back trouble. He himself is a 50+ year cancer survivor.

In a Hands-on Energy session, Jack will literally ask you to "give him the pain." He then transmutes that pain and "sends it home," no longer to bother you unless you choose for it to do so. He also gives you tools (toys)  to remain pain-free from that point forward.



"I had been diagnosed with a mucinous carcinoma of both breasts, which was initially considered stage 4, distant metastasis (now believed to be Stage 2, local metastasis). I've done many things for treatment: LDIPT (low dose insulin potentiated targeted chemotherapy), Black Salve,

Vegan Diet, Coffee Enemas, Juicing, massive supplements, moderate consistent exercise, etc..

"The sessions I had with Jack were less of a thunderbolt and lightning sort of healing and more of a subtle shift in consciousness and energy. In my sessions, I felt a new level of awareness entering my cells and being, and with that the potential of true and ultimate healing. I also had visions of black sludge coming out of me energetically as he worked --  the next time, green energy moved through my veins, and at the final visit it was clear red, as blood should be.


"I went to Muaisa Hale Pule 4 months ago with glomerulosclerosis (scarring and hardening of the kidney blood vessels) and Dr. ZZ and Jack gave me tons of resources. Jack worked hands-on with me too, and I have applied everything they both recommended: stretching exercises, organic food purchases, eating frozen broccoli sprouts, mushroom coffee daily, yoga, meditation, breath work, Reiki practice, vegan diet, etc.

"Today I went to my 6-month kidney check.

Here are the results. . . 

"Blood pressure is 100/66.

Protein level improved and decreased from 380 to 350.

Lost weight, from 200 to 177 pounds. (I am 5 feet 10). Kidneys function improved at 66 percent.

"From this positive checkup and with Dr. ZZ and Jack's help, I do not need to take extra medication. Thank goodness. . . and NO DIALYSIS. My kidney situation is now MILD.

My next kidney check is in 6 months.

I have to continue to eat right and lower my potassium foods, and II do need to increase my cardio somehow by either powerwalking or jogging 30 minutes. But in the end, it was a huge improvement. So, thank you, thank you Dr. ZZ and Jack for your help. This will be a regular practice for me. . . I am eternally grateful and so happy that I took the time to visit you. Thanks for helping me heal.

N.T., Elk Grove, CA 2024

"My work with Jack was a confirmation of my intuitive direction and my own infinite self-expression and purpose. Additionally, he encouraged me to honor the healer within me -- for my own healing and my ability to assist in the healing of others. This is a new path I've begun to walk upon which feels mysterious and unclear at this point, but very much aligned with my desire to be of service.

"I now believe this condition occurred for me to shed layers of illusory identity, value systems and beliefs in order to arrive at my essential being-ness and infinite Self-identification. I am grateful for all of it and for meeting spirits like Jack and ZZ along the way."

-- R. F., San Francisco, CA, 2016



In advance of arriving for an appointment, all interested persons must submit via email these FOUR (4) PIECES OF REQUESTED INFO. Please phone us at  + 1 808 323 3238 between 2 - 6 PM  Hawaiian Time to schedule . This is our preferred means of contact. If, however, you are abroad and/or without toll-free USA phone access, then we invite you to CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT AN INQUIRY



A 90-minute Hands-on Energy Work session can be combined with A SHAMANIC DEEP DIVE, A SUNDAY EVENING 'HAWAIAKA' SACRED PLANT CEREMONY, and/or with our 8-DAY SHAMANIC 'LIFE PURPOSE' REBIRTH and/or 5-DAY ART AWAKENING.

Our recommendation for chronic, physical ailments (ex., cancer) is to combine three, 90-minute weekday Hands-on sessions over the course of 4 -8 days.


"This changed my life. The tools I took with me are priceless.” -- Guest, 2015

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